Home Page 01

Home Page 02

Home Page 03

Home Page 04

Home Page 05

Home Page 06

Home Page 07

Creative Inner Pages

Log page Designs


Sign In Page


SignUp Page


Password Recovery Page

Education Detail Page

Detail Layout 1

Detail Layout 2

Detail Layout 3

Detail Layout 4

Search Pages

Search Layout 1

Search Layout 2

Search Layout 3

Search Layout 4

Search Layout 5

Dashboard Pages

Main dashboard

My Profile

Manage Admins

Manage Courses

Manage Students


Shop Pages

Shop with Sidebar

Shop with Sidebar

Shop Detail

Shop with List Style

Checkout Page

Find Instructor

Instructor Detail

Powerful Features

Mobile Responsive

All Template is 100% Responsive

Latest Bootstrap

We have used latest bootstrap

Pixel Perfect

All design are pixel perfect

All browser Compatible

It's 100% browser compatible

Speed optimized

Very Fast speed & customize file

w3c Validate

All template is fully W3c Validate

Creative Design

All Design are creative & modern

Well Documentation

Get well 7 best documentation

Creative PopUp

We have used creative popup

Free Google Font

Popular & Best Google font used

Regular Free Update

You will get free regular update

7x24 Full Support

Get Quick and fast support

Just trial Then purchase

No payment required, jump to get started.

Purchase Now!